College of Medicine School of Rehabilitation Science


Picture of Dr. Brenna Bath

Dr. Brenna Bath BScPT, MSc, PhD, FCAMPT
Director and Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science

Picture of  Valerie Caron

Valerie Caron BSc, MPT, PhD(c)
Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science

Picture of Dr. Katie Crockett

Dr. Katie Crockett BSc kin, MPT, PhD
Assistant Professor School of Rehabilitation Science

Picture of Dr. Sarah Donkers

Dr. Sarah Donkers BSc, MPT, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science - On sabbatical July 1st, 2024 - June 30th, 2025

Picture of Dr. Soo Kim

Dr. Soo Kim BScPT, PhD
MPT Program Chair and Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science

Picture of Rhonda Loeppky

Rhonda Loeppky BA, BScPT, FCAMPT
Faculty, Instructor, School of Rehabilitation Science

Picture of Dr. Sarah Oosman

Dr. Sarah Oosman BSc, BScPT, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science.

Picture of Dr. Teresa Paslawski

Dr. Teresa Paslawski BA, PhD, MA
Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science - on Administrative leave July 1, 2024 until Dec 31, 2024