Certificate in Strength and Conditioning in Rehabilitation

Course Description


This is an online self-directed learning course with quizzes throughout.  This course will be offered over a 12 week period, it is expected to take learners approximately 50-60 hours to complete the course. 

This course includes an interactive Facebook discussion group where Dr. Scotty Butcher will both post thoughtful questions as well as provide an interactive Q and A across the 12 weeks. There will be 3 live group Zoom calls to discuss the material and assignments of the course. Lastly, this course comes with a 30 minute one on one mentoring session with Dr. Butcher at some point during or after the 12 weeks.

The purpose of this online course is to provide rehabilitation professionals and students with an evidence-based approach to targeted strength and conditioning practices specifically for optimizing functional performance.   

The content will be an integration of cutting-edge science-based theoretical foundations and practical activities designed to challenge biases and enhance teaching prowess. The material is designed to be applicable across populations; from acute care to long term care, from sedentary to athletic, and from young to older adults.  

Course participants will follow a progressive curriculum and have access to: a) a course Facebook group exclusively for course participants and graduates, and b) a group monthly check-in with the instructor. 


About Dr. Butcher

Dr. Scotty Butcher is an Associate Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Saskatchewan and founder of The Strength Jedi. He holds a BSc PT and MSc Kin from the University of Saskatchewan and a PhD in Exercise Physiology and Experimental Medicine from the University of Alberta.He is certified as a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-RCEP), is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer (CF-L1), and is formerly certified as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA-CSCS); the latter of which he has formally relinquished. Most recently, Scotty has been certified as a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher (CMMT), incorporates mindfulness into his research, and has a daily personal practice.

Scotty teaches exercise physiology, prescription, and rehabilitation to physical therapy students and has published several peer reviewed articles and book chapters related to exercise testing and prescription. Currently training as a powerlifter, he has a passion for strength training and translates this to promoting quality exercise training and rehabilitation practices for clinicians and students. His focus in research, teaching, and clinical work is on a hybrid rehabilitation/strength training/mindfulness approach, and shares his views through blogging and vlogging.


This online course is self-directed. Participants are expected to complete the online modules at their own pace, within their registered 12 week session from October 17th, 2022 to January 16th, 2023. 

Access to online modules will be provided on October 17th, 2022.


*Fees: $500

*Group discounts may be available upon request

Registration Deadline: October 14, 2022

Course Contacts

Kendra Usunier • kendra.usunier@usask.ca • 306-966-7473