SLP & OT Programs at USask

Update on SLP & OT Programs Development

June 2024

The Government of Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan hosted a special announcement of funding awarded for the development of the Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology programs on June 14th. 

The addition of these programs to the School of Rehabilitation Science will improve the chronic clinician shortage, support existing services, and improve the quality of life for many Saskatchewan people.

April 2024

We are thrilled to have the provincial government’s green light for new programs in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and Occupational Therapy (OT). Thank you to everyone who helped to get us to this point. This is a massive win for the province, only made possible through the efforts of many within the university, the government, and other supporters in the province and beyond, and the work done by our predecessors. A special thank you to the amazing clinicians who continue to advocate for (re)habilitation and the importance of having these programs in our province. There are exciting times ahead and much work to be done, so please continue to watch this space for updates.


We continue to welcome your feedback!

Input from diverse community members and all stakeholders will improve program design for the future SLP and OT programs. Thank you to all of those who have provided feedback and support through our portal and our virtual coffee chats over the last several months. We look forward to continuing to engage with you as the programs are developed.  

SLP & OT Programs Development Feedback Portal

Please note that all contributions submitted through the portal are read and shared amongst the team. We have been very pleased to have had a high response rate to date so unfortunately, we are unable to respond to individual feedback at this time.

This information is critical to our planning and is used to facilitate stakeholder events. There is no limit to how many contributions may be made by a single person and all input is treated confidentially and shared anonymously. 

To connect with our development team, please contact